9 Aug, 2013 SICP Note

Posted on 2013-08-09 23:15

I started to read the new section. Well, my progress was slow yet.

This section is about hierarchical data and the closure property. (textbook)

The graph shows a representation of cons,


As you see, a cons is actually a pair. In language of LISP, a cons could contain following types of elements:

  • regular atom
  • another cons
  • nil, presented as '() usually.

An atom is a single value. The nil is a little special, as we usually use it to indicate an empty list(notice that it’s not cons). With cons-es and nil, we can construct a linear sequence(i.e. list) with the following structure.


It is construct by (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 '())))). In Haskell it looks more elegant: 1:2:3:4:[]. This is actually what an list is in Haskell as well as LISP. This is a very pretty and clean concept of a manner to construct data types.

In this section the authors mainly introduced some basic uses of cons. Especially, It emphasized a usual way to construct a list with cons, as list is widely used in Scheme programming.

This section is not difficult for me since I am used to compose such recursive functions. In the study of Haskell I’d practiced a lot.

So after skimming the example implement of list-ref, length and append functions. I would try the exercises directly.

Exercise 2.17: Define a procedure last-pair that returns the list that contains only the last element of a given (nonempty) list: (last-pair (list 23 72 149 34)) (34)

My solution is below(github). It works perfectly with both guile and revo.

(define (last-pair lst)
   ((null? lst) "failed")
   ((null? (cdr lst)) lst)
   (else (last-pair (cdr lst)))))

(display (last-pair '(23 72 149 34)))

Exercise 2.18: Define a procedure reverse that takes a list as argument and returns a list of the same elements in reverse order: (reverse (list 1 4 9 16 25)) (25 16 9 4 1)

(define (reverse lst)
  (define (reverse-helper a b)
    (if (null? a) b
        (reverse-helper (cdr a)
                        (cons (car a) b))))
  (reverse-helper lst '()))

(define (reverse2 lst)
  (define (reverse-helper a)
    (if (null? (cdr a)) (list (car a))
        (append (reverse-helper (cdr a))
                (list (car a)))))
  (reverse-helper lst))

(display (reverse '(1 2 3 4)))
(display (reverse2 '(1 2 3 4)))

I produced two functions. The first one is better as it’s intuitive, clear and efficient. I wrote the second one as a thought to implement a linear recursion version beside the iteration taught in section 1.2.1. Both cases pass the test under revo and scheme.

Exercise 2.19: Consider the change-counting program of section 1.2.2. It would be nice to be able to easily change the currency used by the program, so that we could compute the number of ways to change a British pound, for example. As the program is written, the knowledge of the currency is distributed partly into the procedure first-denomination and partly into the procedure count-change (which knows that there are five kinds of U.S. coins). It would be nicer to be able to supply a list of coins to be used for making change.

We want to rewrite the procedure cc so that its second argument is a list of the values of the coins to use rather than an integer specifying which coins to use. We could then have lists that defined each kind of currency:

(define us-coins (list 50 25 10 5 1))
(define uk-coins (list 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 0.5))

We could then call cc as follows: (cc 100 us-coins) ;=> 292

To do this will require changing the program cc somewhat. It will still have the same form, but it will access its second argument differently, as follows:

(define (cc amount coin-values)
  (cond ((= amount 0) 1)
        ((or (< amount 0) (no-more? coin-values)) 0)
         (+ (cc amount
                (except-first-denomination coin-values))
            (cc (- amount
                   (first-denomination coin-values))

Define the procedures first-denomination, except-first-denomination, and no-more? in terms of primitive operations on list structures. Does the order of the list coin-values affect the answer produced by cc? Why or why not?

This was quite easy as actually what we treat the coin list in functions first-denomination, except-first-denomination and no-more? is equivalent to car, cdr and null? operators.

So I define them directly(github):

(define no-more? null?)
(define except-first-denomination cdr)
(define first-denomination car)

Then it works. There’s an issue prompted. Revo, so far, cannot parse float numbers directly. This loss of feature was submitted as issue #4.

Next exercise is about a syntax to define arbitrary number of parameters of a lambda. The text was so long so I omitted it. I’d only reproduce the question directly:

Use this notation to write a procedure same-parity that takes one or more integers and returns a list of all the arguments that have the same even-odd parity as the first argument. For example,

(same-parity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
;=> (1 3 5 7)
(same-parity 2 3 4 5 6 7)
;=> (2 4 6)

The solutions is intuitive:

(define (same-parity . x)
  (define (same-parity-helper p b)
     ((null? b) '())
     (p    (cons (car b)
                 (same-parity-helper (not p) (cdr b))))
     (else (same-parity-helper (not p) (cdr b)))))
  (same-parity-helper #t x))

The next is about mapping. Easy as well is it. Mapping and reducing/folding are commonly used in Haskell as well as Ruby.

Directly hitting the exercises:

Exercise 2.21: The procedure square-list takes a list of numbers as argument and returns a list of the squares of those numbers.

 (square-list (list 1 2 3 4))
 (1 4 9 16)

Here are two different definitions of square-list. Complete both of them by filling in the missing expressions:

 (define (square-list items)
   (if (null? items)
       (cons <??> <??>)))
 (define (square-list items)
   (map <??> <??>))

My approach(github):

(define (square-list items)
  (if (null? items) '()
      (cons (* (car items) (car items))
            (square-list (cdr items)))))

(define (square-list2 items)
  (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) items))

Exercise 2.22 asks to explain why the following code doesn’t work as expectation:

(define (square-list items)
  (define (iter things answer)
    (if (null? things)
        (iter (cdr things)
              (cons answer
                    (square (car things))))))
  (iter items nil))

Well, the best way to cope with this kind of logical errors is to trace the program step by step. Let me try it.

call: (square-list '(2 3 4))
rec:  (iter '(2 3 4) '()            )
rec:  (iter '(3 4)   ('() . 4)      )  ; problem starts here
rec:  (iter '(4)     (('() . 4) . 9))

A sequence, usually, is a cons in which the right pointer refers to another cons until appears '(). Cons-ing an element with another cons is the way to do it. While in this code, a cons is used to glue a list(or cons) with an element. That’s not the correct way to do it. An solution requires a little change in code and is less efficient is to change the cons into append, which connect to lists into one, besides, the (square (car things)) needs to be wrapped into a list as well.

The next exercise is about the for-each procedure. for-each offers the same function as map except that for-each returns an arbitrary value instead of a list. The exercise asks to implement the for-each procedure. This is not difficult, but I still reviewed the implement of this in revo. (github) In revo, for-each was implemented as a standard lib function as well as map. This part of code was implemented under scheme, directly copied from the Heist project, which is another scheme interpreter written in ruby. In his implementation it looks slightly complex as it has to follow the R5RS standard for-each for different arguments. I don’t need to cope with them now. Here’s it(github):

(define (my-for-each proc lst)
  (map proc lst)

(define (my-for-each2 proc lst)
  (if (null? lst) '()
        (proc (car lst))
        (my-for-each2 proc (cdr lst)))))

I felt yet comfortable.

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