13 Aug, 2013 SICP Note

Posted on 2013-08-13 23:30

In section 2.2.3 the author described a conventional abstract interface for sequential data structure. The interfaces are three types of high-order functions. They are:

  • map
  • filter
  • accumulate

For descriptions of each terms, I added corresponding haskell type signatures. I think that’s a very helpful way to understand them.

Map is the easiest to understand one. What it do is to take a sequence and a procedure as argument and then produce the result sequence in which each elements were applied the transformation specified in the procedure.

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

Filter is a process that selects a subsequence of passing in sequence according to the specific rule, another argument that is a predication, i.e. a procedure that returns a boolean value. For those that are predicated as true, they will be remained in the result sequence; whereas for those which are not, they will be omitted. The name of filter varies in some other programming languages. In ruby, it is called select, or find_all.

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

Accumulate is a little complicated. A accumulation process takes a procedure that takes two arguments, an initial value and a sequence, and return a value. Accumulation is called fold{l,r} in Haskell and reduce, inject in Ruby. As its name, it walks through the elements of a sequence, and apply the procedure for each elements. Differing from map, the result of accumulate is a value rather than a sequence. For each steps of accumulating, the procedure passed in produces a value, according to the element and, a carrying value that is returned from the previous calling. Does it sound a little complex? Perhaps it’s my problem on expressing. Here’s the type signature of fold-left in Haskell.

foldr :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a

Very intuitive isn’t it? The procedure in it takes two arguments. One is the carrying value, and the another one is an element from the sequence.(In scheme’s accumulate they’re flipped.) Besides, the second argument passed to foldr is the initial carrying value. fold-right in Haskell is equivalent to accumulate in scheme actually.

An example is always a better illustration:

  foldr (\x -> \y -> x + y) 0 [1,2,3]
= (0+(1+(2+(3+0))))nn

Did you see how it works now? Let me attach a picture from wikipedia that I think is helpful to understand it.


By combining these high-order functions in different ways, we can obtain the result that we want.

All right, let’s move on to the exercise.

Exercise 2.33. 233. Fill in the missing expressions to complete the following definitions of some basic list-manipulation operations as accumulations:

(define (map p sequence)
  (accumulate (lambda (x y) <??>) nil sequence))
(define (append seq1 seq2)
  (accumulate cons <??> <??>))
(define (length sequence)
  (accumulate <??> 0 sequence))

So here’s my solution:

(define (map p sequence)
  (accumulate (lambda (x y) (cons (p x) y) '() sequence))
(define (append seq1 seq2)
  (accumulate cons seq2 seq1))
(define (length sequence)
  (accumulate (lambda (_ y) (+ y 1)) 0 sequence))

Aren’t them look elegant? Especially the second one.

Exercise 2.34 is a question that asks to write a function to evaluate a polynomial in x at a given value. For a polynomial in form of


The Horner’s rule to evaluate a polynomial can be illustrated as

horner’s rule

So simply turn this recursive formula into scheme code is what I did:

(define (horner-eval x coeff-seq)
  (accumulate (lambda (this-coeff higher-terms)
                (+ this-coeff (* higher-terms x)))

Exercise 2.35 asks for a redefinition of count-leaves with the the abstract interfaces. The function count the number of the leaves of a tree. So here’s my answer, which works well.

(define (count-leaves t)
  (accumulate + 0
              (map (lambda (x)
                     (cond ((null? x) 0)
                           ((not (pair? x)) 1)
                           (else (count-leaves x))))

There are some questions remained. It is now quite late so I will complete them later.

Update(14 August):

Exercise 2.36. The procedure accumulate-n is similar to accumulate except that it takes as its third argument a sequence of sequences, which are all assumed to have the same number of elements. It applies the designated accumulation procedure to combine all the first elements of the sequences, all the second elements of the sequences, and so on, and returns a sequence of the results. For instance, if s is a sequence containing four sequences, ((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) (10 11 12)), then the value of (accumulate-n + 0 s) should be the sequence (22 26 30). Fill in the missing expressions in the following definition of accumulate-n:

(define (accumulate-n op init seqs)
  (if (null? (car seqs))
      (cons (accumulate op init <??>)
            (accumulate-n op init <??>))))

So the result should be

(define (accumulate-n op init seqs)
  (if (null? (car seqs)) '()
      (cons (accumulate op init (map car seqs) )
            (accumulate-n op init (map cdr seqs)))))

I thought to accumulate all the first elements, and then drop the rest to the recursion again. So was what I’ve done.

Exercises is about implementing matrix operations: dot-product, matrix-*-vector, matrix-*-matrix and transpose.

My solution seems good, but I know the implementation of matrix-*-matrix is not the simplest solution, as I didn’t follow the pre-given template.

; Dot product
(define (dot-product v w)
  (accumulate + 0 (map * v w)))

; Matrix * Vector
; http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/d/c/f/dcf8ccf9344226b39a18818eb03eea6e.png
(define (matrix-*-vector m v)
  (map (lambda (w) (map * w v)) m))

; Matrix * Matrix
; http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/7/b/c/7bc5e0122746b494cc5844db44ef975c.png
; http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/7/b/6/7b62cda9a2e78e8414806c5aea486b5c.png
; http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/d/3/c/d3c223ed4af4939e565893b2f3136bae.png
(define (matrix-*-matrix m n)
  (map (lambda (mi)
         (accumulate-n + 0
                       (map (lambda (mii ni)
                              (map * ni (map (lambda _ mii) ni)))
                            mi n)))

; Transpose
(define (transpose mat)
  (accumulate-n cons '() mat))

The following images are from wikipedia.

M * V formula:

M * M formula & example:

The way I follow to write the M*M program is right like what is demonstrated in the example.

Exercise 2.38 compares between fold-left and fold-right. Give a property that op should satisfy to guarantee that fold-right and fold-left will produce the same values for any sequence.

My guessing condition is that,

we know that op takes two arguments, so in different direction of folding, the arguments are flipped. So for an op whose arguments are interchangeable, it produce the same result for fold-left and fold-right.

Exercise 2.39: Complete the following definitions of reverse (exercise 2.18) in terms of fold-right and fold-left from exercise 2.38:

(define (reverse sequence)
(fold-right (lambda (x y) <??>) nil sequence))
(define (reverse sequence)
(fold-left (lambda (x y) <??>) nil sequence))

My solution:

(define (reverser sequence)
  (fold-right (lambda (x y) (append y (list x))) '() sequence))
(define (reversel sequence)
  (fold-left (lambda (x y) (cons y x)) '() sequence))

BTW today(13 August) I learned some lambda calculus. One is the deduction of Y combinator. I am obsessive about this kind of stuff. I know what attracts me most is the mathematical beauty inside.

Y = \f.(\x.x x) (\x.f (x x))

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