Algebras in list monad

Posted on November 15, 2018
Tags: explanation Categories: category theory

I’m currently watching Dr. Bartosz Milewski’s video lecture series on category theory on YouTube. In this lecture Category Theory III 4.2, Monad algebras part 3, he stated an interesting fact that in an algebra that is compatible with the list monad is a monoid.

In his video lecture he explained it very briefly and drawn the conclusion quickly before I can follow to convince myself on the fact. After that, in comment, I saw someone else had the similar questions at the ambiguous notation Dr. Milewski uses. So I derived the theorem myself to clarify my understanding. I think the outcome is kind of interesting that worths a post about it.

I want to write this post in a very beginner-friendly manner, to explain the concepts to people whom knew only some basic category theory. Hopefully it’s gonna also help me to clear things out.


Monoid captures the generalized idea of multiplication. A monoid on a set \(S\) is made of an element \(\eta\in S\) called unit and binary operation \(\mu: S \times S \to S\) called multiplication that satisfies these laws:

  • left identity law: \(\mu(\eta, a) = a\), for \(a \in S\)
  • right identity law: \(\mu(a, \eta) = a\), for \(a \in S\)
  • associativity law: \(\mu(a,\mu(b,c)) = \mu(\mu(a,b),c)\), for \(a,b,c\in S\)

Here are some common examples of monoids:

  • list, where \(\eta\) is empty list and \(\mu\) is the append operator (++ in Haskell)
  • additive monoid on integer, where \(\eta\) is \(0\) and \(\mu\) is \(+\)
  • multiplicative monoid on integer, where \(\eta\) is \(1\) and \(\mu\) is \(\times\)


A monad is defined as an endofunctor \(T\) along with two natural transformations \(\eta: a \to T a\) called unit and \(\mu: T^2 a\to T a\) called multiplication that satisified these laws:

  • identity law:

\[ \begin{CD} T a @>\eta>> T^2 a \\ @VVT\mu V @V\mu VV \\ T^2 a @>\mu >> T a \end{CD} \]

where the \(T a\) at top-left is equal to the \(T a\) at bottom right.

  • mutiplication law:

\[ \begin{CD} T^3 a @>T \mu>> T^2 a \\ @VV\mu V @VV\mu V \\ T^2 a @>\mu >> T a \end{CD} \]

These laws are essentially just monoid laws (left/right identity law and associativity law) on the category of endofunctors.

List monad

The list functor is a monad with \(\eta\) and \(\mu\) defined as following:

η x = [x]
μ xs = concat xs

where \(\eta\) sends a value to a singleton list containing that value, and \(\mu\) is concatenation function of a list of lists.

It’s easy show the monad laws for this list monad hold, since it’s not today’s focus, I’ll skip it.


An algebra on an endofunctor \(F: C\to C\) is given by a tuple \((a, \sigma)\), where \(a\) is an object in \(C\) and \(\sigma : F a \to a\). It’s worth noting that an algebra is not a natural transformation as it seems.

A natural transformation has no knowledge on its component, therefore must be a polymorphic function. For an algebra, it is the opposite case. \(\sigma\) operates on a specific object \(a: C\).

An algebra can be viewed as a map to evaluate a functor on values (e.g. algebraic expression) into an single value. Here are some examples of algebras:

  • sum on list of additive numbers
  • length on an integer list
  • foo (x:_) = x; foo [] = 1 on list of integers
  • eval: ExprF a -> a on an expression of type a

In an algebra the functor plays the role to form an expression, and the \(\sigma\) function evaluates it.

Category of algebras

Algebras on an given endofunctor \(F:C\to C\) can form a category, where the objects are the algebras \((a,\sigma)\), and the morphisms from \((a,\sigma)\) to \((b,\tau)\) can be defined as morphisms in \(C(a,b)\). We now show that the morphisms are composable:

\[ \begin{CD} F a @>F f>> F b \\ @VV\sigma V @VV\tau V \\ a @>f>> b \end{CD} \]

Since \(F\) is a functor, this diagram automatically commutes.

Monad algebra

Given an endofunctor \(T: C\to C\), A monad algebra on \(T\) is a 2-tuple:

  1. a monad on \(T\): \((\eta: 1 \to T, \mu: T^2\to T)\)
  2. a algebra on \(T\): \((a: C, \sigma : T a \to a)\)

(Of course, they must be compatible with each other, see below)

A monad algebra therefore contains all the operations from its monad part and its algebra part:

  • \(\eta: a \to T a\)
  • \(\mu: T^2 a \to T a\)
  • \(\sigma: T a \to a\)

(Be noted that an algebra needs to operate on a specific \(a\).)

To make the algebra compatible with the monad, we need to impose these two conditions:

  • \(\sigma \circ \eta = 1\).
  • \(\sigma \circ \mu = \sigma \circ T\sigma\). In other words, the diagram below should commute

\[ \begin{CD} T^2 a @>\mu>> T a \\ @VV T\sigma V @VV\sigma V \\ T a @>\sigma>> a \end{CD} \]

These two conditions are strong. Not all nice algebras on \(T\) are compatible with a given monad on \(T\).

For example, we consider the compatibility of the list monad and the algebra length :: [Int] -> Int on list. The first condition requires length [n] = n for all integer n, which is not true.

These conditions eliminate algebras that don’t satisfy this property.

Algebra on list monad

Now we finally get to the interesting one. There are many monad-compatible algebras on list, for example: sum: [Int] -> Int, product :: [Int] -> Int, concat :: [[a]] -> [a] etc. These algebras are somewhat different, but there’s one thing in common: they all seems to related to some underlying monoid. In fact they indeed do. We will now prove it.

First we see what properties do algebras on list monad hold. By the compatibility conditions we discussed earlier, we must have:

  • σ [x] = x and,
  • (σ∘Tσ) x = (σ∘μ) x, where \(\mu\) is the concat operator for list
    • i.e. (σ ∘ fmap σ) x = (σ ∘ concat) x

For any algebra σ, we define two operators:

  • e ≔ σ [] to be the monoid unit
  • x <> y ≔ σ [x,y] to be the monoid multiplication

And we claim (e, <>) forms an monoid. We first prove the left identity law for the monoid. We prove this by evaluating (σ∘Tσ) [[], [x]] in two ways. On the left we got (σ∘Tσ) [[], [x]] = σ [e, x] = e <> x, on the right we got (σ∘Tσ) [[], [x]] = (σ∘μ) [[], [x]] = σ [x] = x. This shows e <> x = x. The right identity law can be proved in a similar fashion.

Now the associativity law, first we get (σ∘Tσ) [[x,y],[z]] = [x <> y, z] = (x <> y) <> z, and (σ∘Tσ) [[x],[y,z]] = [x, y<>z] = x <> (y <> z). We also no that they both equal to (σ∘μ) [[x,y],[z]] = (σ∘μ) [[x],[y,z]] = σ [x,y,z]. For consistency, this means σ [x,y,z] must be defined as (x <> y) <> z or x <> (y <> z), and they are equal.

Now we have proved that an algebra on the list monad must gives rise to a monoid, where \(\sigma\) is the mconcat function.


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